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Liana Ecology Project
Diversidade florística e aspectos ecológicos de trepadeiras em unidades de conservação do centro-sul do Paraná, Brasil (Bachelor's thesis, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná).
Teixeira, G. G. M.
The climbers present a great diversity of forms and adaptations in the composition of a forest community. This study aim to a floristic survey of climbing species in three Conservation Units in ecotone between the Subtropical Mixed Forest and the Semideciduous Seasonal Forest in the Municipality of Mato Rico, Paraná State. The study was conducted between the years 2015 and 2017, on pre-existing edges and trails, and the material was herborized and deposited in the HCF Herbarium. Species were classified according to habit, adaptations and ascending methods, dispersion units and syndromes. In the three Ecological Stations we found 63 species, 50 genera and 26 families, represented mainly by Bignoniaceae, Sapindaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Apocynaceae, Passifloraceae and Rosaceae, which together account for 49% of the total recorded species. The genera with most species were Passiflora (Passifloraceae), Rubus (Rosaceae) and Serjania (Sapindaceae). Considering the Ecological Stations separately, they were recorded 37 species of climbers in EEM Colombo, 29 in EEM Juquirí and 24 in EEM Cantú. The lianas predominated in EEM Columbo and Juquirí and herbaceous vines in EEM Cantú. Tendrillar plants were more common in EEM Colombo, twiners in EEM Juquirí and tendrillar and scramblers are in equal proportion in EEM Cantú. The fruit is a predominant dispersion unit and anemocory, with winged diaspores, is more common among recorded species. The climbing flora of this Ecological Stations presented a high number of species belonging to the Semidecidual Seasonal Forest. The EEM Cantú is the one that is most degraded area, evidenced by the predominance of herbaceous climbers and scramblers. It is important for floristic studies seek to bring information about the size, ascending methods and dispersion syndromes, in order to better elucidate the role that climbers have in forest environments.
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