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Tropical vine growth and the effects on forest succession: A review of the ecology and management of tropical climbing plants

Journal Article

Gillian S; Yavitt J


Botanical Review

The climbing habit has evolved independently in many plant taxa offering vines the ability to compete with non-climbing vegetation for resources such as light nutrients and water. This review examines the structural and functional characteristics that allow climbing plants to (1) achieve widespread dispersal (2) transport large amounts of water throughout vessels (3) maintain high photosynthesis levels through a large leaf area to biomass ratio (4) achieve rapid vertical and horizontal expansion by fast growth rates and various climbing mechanisms and (5) survive and recover from disturbances. Due to the competitive effects of vines on trees management of vine growth is used to preserve tropical timber plantations combat invasive weeds and promote rainforest recovery. In order to sustainably manage the vines into the future it is necessary to understand the mechanisms by which they can alter tropical forest succession and the impacts of various management techniques. El hv°bito trepador ha evolucionado de forma independiente en muchos taxa de plantas. Ofrece la capacidad de competir con la vegetaciv=n no-trepadora por recursos como luz nutrientes y agua. Esta resev±a examina las caracterv?sticas estructurales y funcionales que permiten a las plantas trepadoras (1) lograr dispersiv=n generalizada (2) transportar grandes cantidades de agua a travv©s de vasos conductores (3) mantener niveles altos de fotosv?ntesis mediante una gran proporciv=n de biomasa por v°rea foliar (4) lograr rv°pida expansiv=n vertical y horizontal por crecimiento rv°pido y diversos mecanismos para trepar y (5) sobrevivir a y recuperar de disturbios ecolv=gicos y antropogv©nicos. Debido a los efectos competitivos de los bejucos en los v°rboles el manejo controlado del crecimiento de los bejucos se utiliza para preservar plantaciones maderables combatir hierbas invasoras y promover la recuperaciv=n del bosque tropical. Con el fin del manejo sostenible de los bejucos en el futuro es necesario estudiar los mecanismos por los cuales pueden alterar la sucesiv=n de bosques tropicales y los impactos de varias tv©cnicas de manejo.




O Projeto de Ecologia Liana é apoiado pela Universidade Marquette e financiado em parte pela National Science Foundation.

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